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Updated: Feb 14, 2023

During this month is the time when people are trying to figure out what gifts to get, who they should get them for, how many for each person, how much they should spend, and maybe even how in the WORLD they will get the money together for the list they just made!


Let's B R E A T H E...

Here's your permission to not get caught up in all of that. Yep, tell 'em Courageous said you don't have to!

December is my birth month. In this month, I make even more effort to seek out the things, people, and experiences that refill my spirit. I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to share these with you.

Gift #1: Beyond the Abuse Survivors Only Blog

This is a very special member's only blog made specifically to house the things Black female survivors need to stay safe and rebuild after abuse. I am filling it up with ALL things learned by me and other Black female survivors THAT ARE EFFECTIVE in the goal of moving through abuse to healing to thriving in your future. It will contain things to stay away from, patterns to avoid, self-care patterns to start, how to build your new circle, how to stay safe from the abuser despite other people's ideas, and so much more! Yes, there is a cost of $0.99/month, and that is necessary to maintain the blog. Believe me, I KNOW our finances have taken a beating and that is why the cost is so low. It will be worth EVERY PENNY. Click here to get started: Survivors Only Blog

Gift #2: Beyond the Abuse Survivors Only Group

If you are not ready for the spend but want to join a private community where you can meet with Black female survivors, we got it right here! There will be a ZERO tolerance for breaking confidentiality; therefore, what is said stays right here! Sometimes I will do a Q&A session within the group so once you join stay tuned. There is NO COST to join the group. Click here to get started: Survivors Only Group

Gift #3: #OurTalks in December!

I'm having a special conversation in #OurTalks this month on December 13 from noon - 1 pm on Facebook live with a Beautiful who is an incredible gift in my life AND she's a Survivor!! I'm sharing our conversation live with you as my 3rd gift to you! Click here to join the conversation: #OurTalks

As usual, I want to leave you with permission.

Permission NOT to get caught up in the buying of stuff that you forget to enjoy whatever your personally inspiring reason is for celebrating this holiday in the first place.

Permission NOT to do it at all if you don't wanna.

Permission to utilize this time for whatever you need it to be for your well-being.

Permission to bless someone else.

Permission to be good to yourself.

Permission to do both.

Permission to disappear and resurface after it's all over!

Permission to love on yourself and others like you do all the rest of the year.

Enjoy your Gifts, Beloved.

Urban Experience Magazine

Our apologies for the delay, Beloved! Here are the links for November AND December's articles:


Courageous Fire

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