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Press Release: 9/4/2024

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For Immediate Release

Contact: Courageous Fire, Owner of Social Enterprise, Courageous Fire, LLC. Email: Phone: 515-428-0077

Des Moines, Iowa - September 4, 2024 – Courageous Fire, LLC is thrilled to announce the release of This is for the Other Child, the first in a captivating  autobiography series by author Courageous Fire. The book is live in grippingly narrated audiobook format on Audible and in ebook, hard cover, and paperback formats on, latest Publication Date: 8/27/2024.

This is for the Other Child is the personal experience of the author as the sibling of a child sexual assault survivor - what it looked like for her to live in that invisible box - including the invisible isolation the “otherness” caused.  With its important look into a place that precious little research has touched, and the fact that siblings of child sexual assault survivors often become domestic violence survivors as adults, this autobiographical look promises to provide healing and validation for the other child (O.C.) and helpful insight to those who want to support them.

Author’s Quote: "When my remaining parent died, I saw once again from my only sibling that there had been and always would be an excuse to render my feelings - whether grief, confusion, loneliness, or some other loss - invisible and invalid. That was when I decided I would write my own permission for my feelings and needs not only to be seen but centered. That’s when I began writing ‘This is for the Other Child’."

The audiobook version of This is for the Other Child is narrated by the multi-talented Cloris award-winning actress Courageous Fire, whose authentic narration that refuses to hide her pain captures the listener’s riveted attention.

Author Bio: Born as a Black girl in a midwestern town to a religious, musical family, she had no idea how much pain she would endure. She had no idea that it started right there in the midst of all the laughter, singing, and praying. Now that she is Auntie age, she wants 3 things: 1) to improve her quality of life during her remaining years on this planet; 2) to give her children a legacy of abundance; 3) to share her lessons with others to improve their quality of life. 

This is for the Other Child is available for purchase at Amazon, Audible, and ACX. 

Media Outlets can review this book for FREE by clicking here

*press release 9/4/2024

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