DV Tools
Black Women's Health Project named DV (domestic violence) as the #1 health issues faced by Black women. We will not improve Black women's health outcomes when we are not well-versed on this factor. The following resources are they that have been utilized for Black women we have worked with since 2019 and have been proven to be effective.
DV Definition & Types
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (DV) a/k/a DOMESTIC ABUSE (DA) a/k/a INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE (IPV): a pattern of behavior from a former or current an intimate partner used to gain/maintain power and control over the other partner
TEEN DATING VIOLENCE a/k/a TDV: identical to definition above except this violence happens between/among teenagers who are dating.

Important Note!
What did you see?
Whether you're a teen or an adult, if reading through the section above reminds you of anything you have or are dealing with, there is help. You need a safety planning expert who can help. One is available 24/7 to help. That's who I leaned on several times; you can trust them. Click the button below to get the support you need and deserve, Beautiful.
Culturally-Responsive Crisis Tools
Beautiful, here are the crisis tools made by us FOR us - either created and/or provided by Black or Black female providers
Mainstream Crisis Tools
These tools are for those who are living with the abuser and need help to safely exit:
National: National Domestic Violence Hotline
State of Iowa: ICADV
National Domestic Violence Hotline
The National Domestic Violence Hotline is a 24/7 crisis tool that I found to be useful in many different ways. They are NOT a mandatory reporter, they will NOT call the police. Here are a few, but feel free to inquire about others that may come to mind:
Identifying abuse types from your specific experience. I found great comfort in spewing my seeming nonsense and having a trained professional validate that experience. I was relieved as they unraveled my confusion and gave me direction by putting a name to my torture.
Talking to someone who shows compassion. As I began to climb out of DV, I encountered many challenges - some of those were my circle not understanding the methods I had to use to keep myself and children safe. Being able to pick up the phone and talk with a human really helped keep me grounded.
Finding other DV resources you may not know of. I mentioned changing challenges in my journey. Sometimes I would call them and tell them what was happening and they would tell me the phone number, hours, usage, etc., for something to assist me with that challenged that I didn't know existed. They have the up-to-date information for DV resources for every state in the country!
Safety planning guidance. 75% of DV-related murders happen when the victim is leaving or is already separated from the abuser. The most dangerous time frame is within the first 18 months of the separation.
I found them to be very adept in looking at your specific situation: whether you're married, have kids or not, own the home/apartment or not, have biological kids with the abuser, are working, share a vehicle, etc., and be able to help brainstorm on the best ways to maintain your safety in your specific circumstance.
​Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ICADV)
ICADV is the state organization that oversees, trains, and funds the state's certified DV agencies. We have specific checkpoint people in this organization that have been respectful with Black women, helpful, and follow through with connecting us to resources during the time when we are fleeing the active violence and after. You can call them directly or you can email us providing your safe email address and at least first name for us to connect you to our contact.
Black Men
These tools are for Black men who:
are safe and want to influence those who might not be
realize they may be harming Black women and want to learn to stop
Black Women Protector Training
Brothers, did you know there is a certain type of thinking that has influenced the way you view what is wrong and right in relationship behavior? That thinking - that a stranger shouldn't harm a woman on your watch BUT a man who harms "his" woman in your viewing should be approached with hesitancy or not at all because it's none of your business? A male-led organization gave that thinking a name: The Man Box. Those who climb out of it, can create a climate that discourages gender-based violence. Click the appropriate button below to learn more about the Man Box or book the Black Women Protector Training.
Proactive: A Men's Healthy Relationship Group
Iowa State University, ICADV, and a group of leaders in the victim services field, including Courageous Fire, LLC, collaborated to create, launch, and evaluate this program. This program is specifically for those men who know or believe that they have been or will likely be contributors to gender-based violence - DV that men perpetrate upon women - and they want to have a safe, judgment-free space to learn how to have healthy relationships, including those with their current and/or future intimate partners. This is a FREE program that has already had its first full cohort. It is not a mandatory program, and it does not report to any program in which you may be participating. This program is for men who have the motive of wanting to change simply because they want to do what is right - not because they want a system, group, or individual to know they're doing what is right. Click the button below to learn more and sign up.