13 years coaching & consulting
13 years curriculum D&D, including learning mgmt systems (LMS)
7 years public speaking
Receiving supervision from master-level counselor who possesses CRC and LMHC
credentials, specifically for Empowerment through the Arts™ program
Published author of curriculum recommended by trauma-informed therapists
515 428 0077
501 SW 7 St., Ste G., Des Moines, IA, 50309 United States.
1986 - Current
Trauma-Informed Education
School of Life
Lived experience survivor-expert and avid researcher in the following: domestic violence, abduction, sexual assault, child sexual assault sibling, racism, misogynoir. Processes, concepts, and best prcatices developed from tested methodology from self and other survivors after good results achieved and other experts consulted - such as therapists, physicians, and cultural healers
Certified Community Health Worker
DMACC & Iowa Chronic Care Consortium
45 Course Hours, Training in Community-Based Healthcare Approaches
Motivational Interviewing
Positive Behavior Support Network
Training to elicit behavior change through exploring and resolving ambivalence
Crucial Conversations
Course in best-practice skills for successfully handling high-stakes interactions through building alignment, agreement, and interpersonal communication
1986 - 1988
Undergraduate Studies: Communications and Psychology
Oakwood University
✹Core genius that clarifies and empowers
✹Combines her education & experience to create educational currency
✹Trauma- and culturally-informed enough to fold concepts into client's uniqueness to form effective solutions
✹Inspires and facilitates the transformation that is the right fit for each client
2019 - Current
CEO / Coach / Lead LMS Designer
Courageous Fire, LLC
Founded and now leading the movement dedicated to improving health outcomes through innovative approaches: 1) educate on the lesser known types of domestic violence; 2) teach survivors how to prevent future predatory relationships; 3) teach their communities how to better support them in crisis and throughout survivorship
2017 - 2020
Career Connector
Goodwill Career Connection Center
Taught job seekers in marginalized communities how to effectively direct their top Strengths® and
Passions™ into their presentation in the job market, through search, application, resume, and interview
2024 - Current
The Clarity Code: Unlock Power. Break Barriers. Craft Your Results.
Published Author
This book gives the unstuck code and path to the results they want for:
those who think life must be rigged and only certain people crack its code
those who are tired of finding ways to numb the pain of living in constant struggle
those who want to live in the daydream they've had a million times where they wake up living outside of lack
Not yet published - join here for insider access!​
2024 - Current
The O.C. Journal
Published Author
A companion journal to "This is for the Other Child" book/audiobook to help the O.C.s (other children or siblings of child sexual assault survivors) release the pain and stress of the feelings the book brings to the surface. Not yet published - stay tuned to the Author page on Amazon!
This is for the Other Child:
The Forgotten Sibling in Families of Child Sexual
Publications Assault
Published Author
A book that gives voice to any siblings of CSAs, as well as an instructional book
for those siblings to gaining & keeping their voice, and finally a guide to those who support them. Available in audiobook on ACX, and paperback (large and regular print), hardcover, and Kindle on
Empowerment through the Arts™ Workbook
Published Author
Curriculum created specifically for Black female DV(domestic violence) survivors
2011 - 2017
Career Transition Coach
Independent Work
Coached people in career transition into discovering how to identify and claim their desired next career path. Created and led an initiative leveraging positive psychology practices to improve departmental outcomes in employee retention and customer satisfaction